If for any reason you want to return the product you purchased, you can do so within 14 days from the date of receipt and ask for a replacement in another size or color, exchange it for another product or a refund. Returns are accepted only if the product is in its original packaging, in excellent quality condition together with its accompanying documents (receipt of purchase, delivery note, etc.) and the tags are on the clothes.
The responsibility for the return of the products lies exclusively with the customer, for this you should ensure its safe transport and ensure that the product is very well packed.
In the case of returning a non-defective product or replacing it with another product, the costs for the return are borne by the customer.
If you wish to receive a refund, you must fill in your information on the return form you received with your order. It is mandatory for the refund to have the accompanying documents (receipt of purchase, delivery note, etc.) of the product in the package you are returning.
The refund is made by EUROBANK. If you register a bank account with the same bank there are no additional fees. For refunds to other banks, if there is a charge from your bank we are not responsible.
If you wish to make a change, have a question or a problem you are facing, you can inform us by phone at 2421 037993 or by sending an email to info@vipsonly.gr about the return / change you want to make.